
Monday, April 6, 2020

Guide to the Valkyries

I know, it's been a while, but I suddenly find myself with a lot more free time right now....

Anyway, my husband asked in passing earlier if the Valkyries of Norse mythology had individual names [before you go thinking we're cultured intellectuals or something, the context was.....watching the MCU :p ], and I realized that I had no idea!
Turns out: yes they did, and while some are familiar Nordic names, most are not.

Enjoy this Scandi-themed jump back into my name blog. ;)

  • Brynhildr (BRUN ['u' like in German "über"] -hildr)--"armor-battle". Most common modern form is Brynhild (BREEN-hil, BREEN-hild).
  • Eir (AYR)--"help, mercy". Modern form is Eira (AY-rah). [some sources have Eir as a Valkyrie; others as a separate goddess of healing]
  • Geirahǫð (GAY-rah-hoth ['th' like in "the"])--"spear-battle"
  • Geiravǫr (GAY-rah-vahr)--"spear-defender" or "spear-woman"
  • Geirdriful (GAYR-dree-vool)--"spear-flinger"
  • Geirskǫgul (GAYR-skog-ool)--"spear-battle" or "spear-shaker"
  • Geirǫlul (GAY-rah-lool)--poss. "spear-luck"
  • Geirǫnul (GAY-rah-nool)--unknown, "spear" + ?
  • Guðr (GOOTHr ['th' like in "the"])--"battle". Also called Gunnr (GOONr). Modern form is Gun/Gunn (GOON, 'oo' like in "foot"). 
  • Gǫll (GAHL)--"noise, tumult"
  • Gǫndul (GAHN-dool)--"magic" or "magical creature"
  • Herfjǫtur (HEHRV-yah-toor)--"army-fetter"
  • Herja (HEHR-yah)--"devastate"
  • Hervǫr (HEHR-vahr)--"army defender" or "army-woman". Modern forms are Hervor (HEHR-vohr, Swedish) and Hervör (HEHR-vur, Icelandic). 
  • Hildr (HEEL-dr)--"battle". Most common modern form is Hilda/Hilde
  • Hjalmþrimul (HYAHLM-threem ['th' like in "the"] -ool)--"helmet-battle"
  • Hjǫrþrimul (HYAHR-threem ['th' like in "the"] -ool)--"sword-battle"
  • Hlaðgunnr (HLATH ['th' like in "the"] -goonr)--"weaving battle". Also called Hlaðguðr (HLATH-goothr [both 'th' like in "the"]). 
  • Hlǫkk (HLAHK)--"noise". Moden Icelandic form is Hlökk (HLUK). 
  • Hrist (HREEST)--"shake"
  • Hrund (HROOND)--poss. "push". Modern Icelandic form is Hrund (HROONT ['oo' like in "foot"]). 
  • Kára (KAH-rah)--"curly" or poss. "obstinate". Most common modern form is Kara (KAH-rah). 
  • Mist (MEEST)--"mist, cloud". Modern form is still Mist. :) [don't you love the easy ones?]
  • Ráðgríðr (RAHTH-greethr [both 'th' like in "the"])--"counsel-eagerness" [fig. "bossy"] or "counsel-peace"
  • Randgríðr (RAHND-greethr ['th' like in "the"])--"shield-eagerness" or "shield-peace"
  • Reginleif (REG-een-layf)--"might-heir"
  • Róta (ROH-tah)--poss. "storm" or "make messy"
  • Sangríðr (SAHN-greethr ['th' like in "the"])--"true eagerness" or "true peace". Modern Swedish form is Sangrid (SAHN-grid). 
  • Sigrdríf (SEEGr-dreef)--"victory-drive". Modern Icelandic form is Sigurdrif (SIG-ur-dreef). 
  • Sigrún (SEEG-roon)--"victory-secret". Most common modern forms are Sigrún (SIG-roon, Icelandic) and Sigrun (SEEG-roon ['oo' like in "foot"], Norwegian, Swedish, Danish). 
  • Skaga (SKAH-gah)--"promontory, cape". Modern [masculine] Norwegian form is Skage (SKAH-geh).
  • Skalmǫld (SKAHL-mahld)--"sword-time"
  • Skeggjǫld (SKEG-gyahld)--"battleaxe-time"
  • Skuld (SKOOLD)--"blame" or "future". Modern Icelandic form is Skuld (SKOOLT ['oo' like in "foot"]). [also a name of one of the Norns (Fates)]
  • Skǫgul (SKAHG-ool)--"battle" or "shaker"
  • Svafa (SVAH-vah)--"Swabian". Modern forms are Svava (SVAH-vah, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Danish) and Svafa (SVAH-vah, Icelandic). 
  • Svanhvít (SVAHN-hveet)--"white swan". Modern Icelandic form is Svanhvít (SVAHN-kveet). 
  • Sveið (SVAYTH ['th' like in "the"])--poss. "noise, vibration"
  • Svipul (SVEE-pool)--"changeable"
  • Tanngniðr (TAHNG-neethr ['th' like in "the"])--"tooth-grinder"
  • Ǫlrún (AHL-roon)--"luck-secret". Modern forms are Åro (AWR [not quite like the English 'aw', but partway between English 'aw' and 'oh' sounds] -oh, Norwegian) and Ölrún (UL-roon, Icelandic).
  • Þrima (THREE ['th' like in "three"] -mah)--"fight"
  • Þrúðr (THROO-thr [first 'th' like in "three", second like in "the"])--"strength". Most common modern form is Trude (TROO-deh). [also, same root as English Trudy :) ]
  • Þǫgn (THAHGn ['th' like in "three")--"silence"

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