
Celebrity Baby Name Generator

As much as we all make fun of ridiculous celeb baby names, I am a bit jealous of them. There are tons of names I would use in a perfect world, but celebs don't seem to have those limitations. They're in a different world, and let's face it, the names they choose often reflect that!

I've tried to avoid names that are super-unique to one celebaby ("Inspektor", "Audio", etc), and just capture the general style. If there's any specific name you don't see that you feel should be added to the pool, please let me know!

Many resulting names are probably usable by you & me. Others....probably not. ;)


  1. Replies
    1. It's supposed to be ridiculous. ;)
      I have dropped the possibility of getting a boys' name down now; they were popping up a bit too often. :)
