*in some of these cases, the name was originally a nickname/surname that just happened to coincide with an English word (e.g.--Dirk is a short form of Diederik, but also a synonym for "dagger").
- Alder (AHL-der)
- Ash (ASH)
- August (AW-gust)--adj. "noble, venerable"
- Basil (BAZ-il, BAYZ-il)
- Bramble (BRAM-bl)--n. "thorny shrub" [usually from the Rubus genus]
- Brant (BRANT)
- Briar (BRYE-ar)--n. "thorny plant" [usually from the Rose genus or Rubus genus]
- Brock (BROK)--n. "badger"
- Brooks (BROOKS)
- Chase (CHAYS)
- Clay (KLAY)
- Clement (KLEM-ent)--adj. "merciful, mild"
- Cliff (KLIF)
- Colt (KOHLT)
- Coy (KOY)--adj. "quiet, shy"
- Curt (KURT)--adj. "concise, terse"
- Cypress (SYE-pres)
- Dale (DAYL)--n. "valley"
- Dell (DEL)--n. "valley"
- Dirk (DERK)--n. "dagger"
- Drake (DRAYK)--n. "dragon" or "male duck"
- Earl (URL)--n. "nobleman"
- Earnest (UR-nest)--adj. "diligent, serious"
- Flint (FLINT)
- Ford (FOHRD)--"river crossing"
- Forest (FOHR-rest)
- Gage (GAYJ)--v. "measure" or n. "security pledge"
- Glen (GLEN)--n. "valley"
- Grant (GRANT)--n. "gift, concession"
- Gray/Grey (GRAY)
- Griffin (GRIF-fin)
- Grove (GROHV)--n. "small forest"
- Halcyon (HAL-see-on)--adj. "calm, peaceful" [derived from the bird-name]
- Hale (HAYL)--adj. "healthy, robust"
- Hardy (HAR-dee)--adj. "brave, strong"
- Hawthorn (HAW-thohrn)
- Heath (HEETH)--n. "shrubland" [more specifically, plants of the Erica genus]
- Jasper (JAS-per)
- Jay (JAY)
- Justice (JUS-tis)
- Kale (KAYL)
- Lake (LAYK)
- Lance (LANTS)--n. "spear"
- Lane (LAYN)
- Linden (LIN-den)
- Marten (MAR-ten)
- Merit (MEHR-it)
- Merle (MURL)--n. "blackbird"
- Moss (MOS)
- Noble (NOH-bl)
- Orion (oh-RYE-on)
- Peregrine (PEHR-eh-grin)
- Phoenix (FEE-niks)
- Pierce (PEERS)
- Prosper (PROS-per)--v. "to thrive, be successful"
- Reed (REED)
- River (RIV-er)
- Robin (ROB-in)
- Rowan (ROH-an)
- Royal (ROY-al)
- Sage (SAYJ)--n. "wise person", as well as several several species of plant
- Sedge (SEDJ)
- Sparrow (SPEHR-roh)
- Sterling (STUR-ling)--a grade of silver, at least 92.5% pure
- Stone (STOHN)
- Talon (TAL-on)
- Thane (THAYN)--n. "lord, royal official"
- Trace (TRAYS)
- Urban (UR-ban)
- Victor (VIK-tor)
- Wade (WAYD)
- Ward (WAHRD)--n. "protection" or n. "person under protection"
- Zephyr (ZEF-er)--n. "light wind" [or more specifially, the west wind]