I'm a big fan of "weird" & "clunky" names. Of course, I do try to slip them in whenever they may fit a particular post, but gosh darn it, it's not enough!
So here we go: a few of the weird fun names I've not been able to sneak into posts before now.
- Aatos (AH-tohs, Finnish)--"thought"
- Aristarkh (ah-ris-TARKH, Russian)
- Ciriaco (see-ree-AH-koh, Spanish; chee-ree-AH-koh, Italian)--from Greek "of the Lord"
- Dieter (DEE-ter, German)
- Ennius (EN-nee-us, Latin)
- Erwan (EHR-wahn, Breton)--form of Yves/Yvon
- Hadrian (HAY-dree-an, [anglicized] Latin)--original form of Adrian
- Horatio (hoh-RAY-shee-oh, English)
- Japheth (JAY-feth, [Biblical] Hebrew)
- Serik (SEHR-ik, Kazakh)
- Tybalt (TIB-alt, English)--form of Theobald
- Alenka (ah-LEN-kah, Slovene)--short form of -lena names
- Athénaïs (ah-tay-nah-EES, French)
- Berengaria (behr-en-GAR-ee-ah, Germanic)--another form is Bérengère (bay-rahn-ZHEHR, French)
- Berezi (beh-reh-see, Basque)--"special"
- Cyra (SYE-rah, SEER-ah, English)
- Ercilia (ehr-SEE-lee-ah, Spanish)--another form is Ersilia (ehr-ZEE-lee-ah, Italian)
- Friederike (free-deh-REE-keh, German)--feminine of Frederick
- Gaëtane (gah-eh-TAHN, French)
- Ilithyia (il-ITH-ee-yah, [ancient] Greek)
- Kinga (KEEN-gah, Polish, Hungarian)
- Mneme (NEE-mee, NAY-mee, [ancient] Greek)--the muse of memory
- Ruslana (roos-LAH-nah, Russian, Ukrainian)
- Salvatrice (sahl-vah-TREE-cheh, Italian)--feminine of Salvador
- Severina (seh-veh-REE-nah, Croatian, German, Italian)
- Sieglinde (zeeg-LIN-deh, German)
- Síomha (SHEE-uh-vah, Irish)--"good peace"
- Terpsichore (terp-SIK-oh-ree, [ancient] Greek)--the muse of dance
- Veslemøy (VES-leh-mooy, Norwegian)--"little girl"