Goddess-trios are a common theme in mythology, and while the Greeks are most famous for them, they do exist in many ancient pantheons. And many of them have fun names! (perhaps better for cats than human babies, but still fun!)
The Charites (Greek) [sing.: Charis, "grace"]; goddesses of beauty and creativity:
- Aglaea (ah-GLYE-ah, ah-GLEE-ah) "glory"
- Euphrosyne (yoo-FROS-in-ee) "mirth"
- Thalia (THAHL-yah) "festivity"
The daughters of Maderakka (Sami); goddesses of childbirth and children:
- Sarakka (SAH-rahk-kah) "separating woman"
- Juksakka (YOOK-sahk-kah) "bow [archery] woman"
- Uksakka (OOK-sahk-kah) "door woman"
The Erinyes (Greek) [sing.: Erinys, poss. "angered" or "dark"]; goddesses of vengeance:
- Alecto (ah-LEK-toh) "unceasing"
- Tisiphone (tis-IF-oh-nee) "avenging murder"
- Megaera (meh-JEER-ah) "grudge"
The goddesses of Mecca (pre-Islamic Arabian):
- Allat (al-LAT) poss. "the goddess"
- Al-‘Uzzá (al-OOZ-ah) poss. "the mightiest"
- Manat (man-AT) poss. "fate"
The Gorgons (Greek) ["terrible"]; personifications of the dangers of the sea:
- Medusa (meh-DOO-sah) "queen"
- Euryale (yoo-RYE-ah-lee) prob. "wide step" or "wide sea"
- Stheno (STHEN-oh) "strength"
The Graeae (Greek) [sing.: Graea, "gray woman, old woman"]; personifications of sea foam:
- Pemphredo (pem-FREE-doh), poss "alarm" or "guide"
- Enyo (EN-yoh) "warlike"
- Deino (DEE-noh) "dread"
The Hesperides (Greek) [sing.: Hesperis, "of the evening"]; personifications of the evening:
- Aegle (EG-lee) "shining"
- Erytheia / Erytheis (eh-REETH-ay-ah / eh-REE-thays) "red"
- Hesperethousa (hes-pehr-eh-THOO-sah) "swift evening"; sometimes replaced with Hespere (HES-peh-ree) or Hesperia (hes-PEHR-ee-ah)
The Horae (Greek) [sing.: Hora, "hour" or "season"]; goddesses of nature, or of law and order:
- Thallo (THAH-loh) "blossom"
- Carpo (KAR-poh) "fruit"
- Auxo (OWKS-oh) "growth"
- Dike (DYE-kee) "justice"
- Eunomia (yoo-NOH-mee-ah) "good order"
- Eirene (eye-REE-nee) "peace"
The Hyperboreiai (Greek) [sing: Hyperboreia, "beyond the North Wind']; Artemis' archery attendants:
- Oupis (OO-pis) "sighting"
- Hecaerge (heh-SEER-jee) "distancing"
- Loxo (LOKS-oh) "angling"
The Moirai (Greek) [sing.: Moira, "portion"]; controllers of each person's fate:
- Clotho (KLOH-thoh) "spinner"
- Lachesis (LAK-eh-sis) "allotter"
- Atropos (AT-rop-ohs) "inevitable"
The Morrigna (Irish) [sing.: Morrigan, prob. "phantom queen"]; war & sovereignty goddesses:
- Badhbh (BIVE) "crow"
- Macha (MAH-khah), prob. "field"
- Neamhain (NYAV-an), prob. "poison" or "seizer"; sometimes replaced with Anand or Morrigan
The (three original) Muses (Greek); goddesses of the arts:
- Aoide (ah-EE-dee, ay-EE-dee) "voice"
- Melete (MEL-eh-tee, mel-ET-ee) "practice"
- Mneme (NEE-mee) "memory"
The Norn (Norse) [prob. "whisper" or "twine"]; goddesses of destiny:
- Urd/Urth (OORD / OORTH [hard 'th', like "the"]) "fate"
- Verdandi/Verthandi (VEHR-dahn-dee / VEHR-thahn-dee [hard 'th']) "becoming"
- Skuld (skoold ['oo' like in "foot"]) "future" or "blame"
The Parcae (Roman) [sing.: Parca, prob. "frugal" or "slight"]; equivalent to the Greek Moirai:
- Nona (NOH-nah) "ninth"
- Decima (DES-ee-mah) "tenth"
- Morta (MOR-tah) "death"
The patron goddesses of Ireland:
- Éire (EHR-eh) poss. "abundant"
- Banbha (BAHN-uh-vah) poss. "unplowed land" or "sow"
- Fodhla (FOH-lah) poss. "sod"
The Praxidicae (Greek) ["exacting justice"]; goddesses of justice:
- Praxidike (prak-SID-ik-ee) "exacting justice"
- Arete (EHR-eh-tee) "virtue"
- Homonoea (hoh-MOH-nee-ah) "unanimity"
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